It’s here: Bourbon Falls book 2, ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS BEAUTY!

And I have to say, I had a lot of fun writing this story. My publisher (Tule Publishing) asked for a holiday story to be part of the Bourbon Falls series, and I pounced on the chance to write a Christmas story. It wasn’t until then that I realized I really hadn’t written a Christmas story yet, which boggles my mind since it’s my favorite holiday.

The foods. The scents. The tree trimming. The family gatherings. The music.

Yes, the Christmas season can be hectic, so I made sure to roll that into this story as well. Mia Brooks-French is a single-again mother of a sixteen-year-old daughter, which in and of itself can be chaotic. Throw in a bookstore charity event that unexpectedly needs to change course, a former college friend-turned-enemy resurfacing in her life, and a small town full of well-meaning, meddling friends, and life really starts to get crazy.

And, to be true to Indiana, I also added in plenty of snow and ice for good measure.

If you’re into feel-good, heart-warming, Hallmark-worthy stories, this book checks all the boxes.

I hope you all enjoy ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS BEAUTY, and wishing everyone a safe and blessed holiday season!